Monday, May 10, 2010


There is a great scene in the movie "Gladiator" that defines the heart and soul of the hero, Maximus. Maximus is asked by Caesar (his king) "Why are we here?" Caesar had been pondering the thought that most of his time had been spent in the battlefield conquering people and territories, but what had it really gained them through all of this.

Maximus (Russell Crowe) gave a quick 6 word answer "for the glory of the empire." Caesar agreed but followed with this statement. "When a man sees his end he wants to see a purpose for his life."

Maximus' purpose was to go home and be with his family after his last battle. He was tired of conquering life and missing what meant most to him, his family.

Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Why are we here?

2. What glory to we live for?

3. What is most important to us?

We are here to make a difference in someone's life. Someone, a child, a coworker, a spouse is watching every move we make. Are we making a difference?

Our glory is to honor our king, God the Father. Someone, is watching every move we make. Are we honoring Him.

Finally, think about what drives you. What is important to you. In 10 years will it still be important. Family is. Faith is.

I've thought about this alot this past weekend. I work 50-60 hours a week and what am I gaining from this. Ten minutes of playing with my 18 month old son is worth far more than any other minute I have. Five minutes alone with God is more important than any minute I could have.

Ask yourself again, "why am I here?"


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